Sunday, January 17, 2010


Jacqui arrived one day, carting a heavy suitcase, wearing gold sandals and the biggest black sun hat I've ever seen! This girl had never slept in a tent in her life and hated bugs but.................she was great. She decided to be brave and during her entire stay she slept on her own (apart from the bugs as company!) in the belltent. She worked incredibly hard in the field and the house. She reorganised the lab, my office, my computer, my market record book etc. etc. Her warm intelligent company was appreciatedby all, we were very sorry to see her leave, she threw away her trainers that had by then completely fallen apart and she boarded the TGV for Paris wearing her gold sandals held together with bailer twine. As Jacquie was going to be studying in Paris for six months we met back up in November when we were there for our annual farmers market. She very kindly housed Paul me and Cole in her lovely little Paris house. Was great to see her although she studied day and night and we cooked beignets all day and were too knackered to do much else but eat vietnamese food every night and crash.
Thank you Jacqui for everything and I know we will meet again.

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour,

    Notre association, l'"animation saint martinoise, organise son traditionnel marché de noël le 4 décembre de 8h à 18h (saint Martin de Londres 34 380).
    En tant qu'acheteur, je vous ai rencontré sur le marché de la comédie à Montpellier le samedi 15 octobre.
    Nous souhaiterions savoir si vous seriez intéressé pour tenir le même stand (oignons et préparations) sur notre marché. Nous serions ravi de vous accueillir avec vos produits régionaux.

    Par avance merci pour votre bienveillante attention,


    Sébastien Van Coppenolle
    pour l'Animation Saint Martinoise
